Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Turning 27

I never thought I would make it to 27.   I remember saying I was going through my mid-life crisis when I was 13 and that I would be dead when I was 26.  I always said it in jest but deep down I really believed it.  But at 1 pm today I turned 27.

I have lived my adult life, to some extent, under the shadow of this feeling.  I have not been wise with my money or with my health because I never really needed to be, after all, I was going to be dead when I was 26.  Why plan for the future when there wasn't really going to be one? I was being held captive by a number. 

About 6 years ago God started transforming me in a big way.  I began to talk about my experiences and began the healing process which is long and painful.  Slowly and in little and big ways he is showing me who I am in his eyes and helping me to understand that identity.  I am no longer defined by my experiences or what was done to me but I am defined by who Jesus is and what he has done FOR me.

So now there is freedom in Christ.  I am no longer chained to the past or by the number 26.  God has an amazing plan for my life and I am looking forward to seeing how he is going to help me realise those dreams.